Sunday 9 October 2011

In The Dark Of Night

Dark speckled night, with small lanterns of gold,

Recount the tales of my sorrows of old,

Sing the praises of a broken heart,

Of a life shattered, a soul broken apart,

Oh lull my mind of the memories past,

Bring it moments that will forever last......

Can you not but leave my soul alone,

Free of all the ills ever shared, ever done?

Spare me for once the ever lasting pain,

Let me taste of the fruits of happiness again.....

I know it won't be the same, I know I must just try,

This one must be free, it must be free to fly....

I can see, I can taste but I can not touch,

Yet the temptations are at time so much,

To want to throw my cautions in the air,

To let myself par aventure feel life fair.

But it is in you I seek counsel cruel night,

In your beauty and wisdom hoping you will know right.


  1. Ah your poems actually rhyme/sound like poems. I call my bite sized ramblings poems but they're not relli.

  2. Poetry shouldn't have a label. I write this way I guess because it works for me, I have read so many old poetry books, it is second nature, but poetry is so much, your work qualifies, I'm more than sure.
